How to hack facebook and gmail account 2017 | Phishing skill

What is phishing? Phishing is a technique for creating a fake page that looks exactly like the original. The original page is usually an account login page such as the facebook login page.
So why do we need to do it? we use this technique to trick others that they are visiting the real site but are actually visiting the attacker's phishing site. Then when the user logs on to the phishing site, their account will be sent to the attacker without knowing it.

Likewise with the facebook login page, if we fake the login page of facebook and then send someone else and trick them to log in, finally if they login, you will have their account.

You may think " who will be tricks with this ?? this is 2017 ". But no, you are wrong. Have thousand new facebook accounts per day. and they may don't know about it. Even an old user may don't know about it, too. because she or he doesn't learn about technology. in some case they know but normal people never doubt who close to them. How ? you can tell them like a post or a photo then send them the link to your phishing site. if you are close to them, they will not doubt.

so Phishing is always dangerous.

Nowaday, hacker is so dangerous. they use special domain name to trick people that they are login with real login page. for example :
This domain : hxxp://—————-validate—-step1.rickytaylk[dot]com/sign_in.html
will look like this on mobile :

So how to create a fake facebook login site :
First download below code :Facebook Phishing Code 2017
Gmail Phishing Code 2017

Then upload this code to your host and send link to someone else trick them to login, their account will send to you. and if you want to see it, go to link_to_your_phishing_site/accounts.txt

If you don't have any host, try to use free sub-domain service like 000webhost, freehost,...  They are so easy to use. In case you need, you can search google for free sub-domain service and how to use them.

If you need help, just comment.

Good luck.

How to hack facebook and gmail account 2017 | Phishing skill How to hack facebook and gmail account 2017 | Phishing skill Reviewed by Nặc danh on 10:11 CH Rating: 5

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